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Joy Sephton
Mar 4, 20244 min read
Top 20 famous rejected authors - to fire you up
There are tons of articles on the web that discuss this, but, in those dark moments, I find it’s always an inspiring topic to come back...

Joy Sephton
Feb 7, 20244 min read
Using hyphens, em dashes, en dashes, and ellipses: US style
PRO TIPS before we start: If you're writing for publication by someone else, check their style guide for the requirements regarding these...

Joy Sephton
Jan 8, 20241 min read
The "it's" or "its" dilemma
Never fear; it's all a lot simpler than it seems! It's = it is / it has The apostrophe always shows that a letter is missing; in this...

Joy Sephton
Dec 7, 20231 min read
Okay, OK, O.K. or ok?
This post examines the US and British English versions of the terms. To start with, OK is, strictly speaking, no longer considered an...

Joy Sephton
Nov 6, 20232 min read
Abbreviating 'United States of America'
U.S.A. or USA? U.S. or US? And everything in between? This is a guide. Please do not sue me if your English teacher / editor /...

Joy Sephton
Oct 9, 20232 min read
Who or whom????
There are a couple of ways to figure out whether you should use who or whom in any given sentence. I’ll start with the theory for those...

Joy Sephton
Sep 7, 20232 min read
How to make em and en dashes
We'll be looking at these options in the following order: 1. What are em and en dashes? 2. MS Word 3. macOS 4. Chrome OS 5. Android or...

Joy Sephton
Aug 8, 20232 min read
10 things to look for in a beta reader
You can download a printable pdf, below. You should find someone who: is open about which genres they work with and which they don’t. is...

Joy Sephton
Jul 7, 20232 min read
Head-hopping: why not?
Head-hopping is a writing technique in which the point of view, or POV, switches too rapidly between different characters, is not...

Joy Sephton
Jun 6, 20231 min read
Adjectives - what you never knew you knew
From The Elements of Eloquence: How to Turn the Perfect English Phrase by Mark Forsyth (2013) Tweeted by Matt Anderson in 2016; adapted...
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